Responsibilities of the Deaf consumer
- Introduce yourself and your interpreter to the hearing consumer
- Inform the interpreter about the communication mode and form of language you are most comfortable with.
- DO NOT ask the interpreter for his/her advice or opinion in an interpreting situation
- Learn to trust the interpreter. A professional interpreter must follow the Code of Ethics and must be confidential
- If you give a prepared speech, make an extra copy for the interpreter
- In a one-to-one situation, maintain some eye contact with the hearing person so he/she feels included
- If you have a complaint about an interpreter, talk directly to the interpreter. If you are still not satisfied write a letter to the agency that hired the interpreter
- If you are not satisfied with the quality of an interpreter, then DO NOT ask for that interpreter in the future
- If you would like to offer constructive criticism to the interpreter DO it in person and in private
- Determine with the interpreter where the ideal placement is in order for the interpreter to be seen and to DO the best job.
- If you DON’T understand the interpreter’s mode of communication or use of signs, inform the interpreter specifically about what the problem is.
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